Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm here!

Hi Everybody! Eleanor Barbara LeMaistre here. I was born on Feb. 7th at 6 pm. Here I am with my mom and Dr. Bicalho, who delivered me.

I weighed 6 lb. 12.5 oz. and was 20 3/4 inches long when I was born.

I'm very lucky to have two wonderful (and very excited!) grandmothers.


Mem said...

Eleanor...we think you're great! Your Grandfather and I can hardly believe you are here with us. We love you so much even before we met you! We can't wait to play, read to you and just do all those fun Grandparent things. We just love you so much! Your Mom and Dad are doing such a great job taking care of you. See you Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Eleanor (Ella),
I am totally impressed with your "blog." (Maybe when you're older -- like 2-1/2 or 3 -- you can teach your Oma how to develop a blog -- or, better, yet, maybe I'll ask your cousin, Nicholas, when I see the both of you on Sunday!) I think of you all the time, and I call your mommy for an update on your activities daily. I understand that you're sleeping a tad more at night, and I heard that your Doctor says you're growing like a weed (basketball player in your future?). I can't wait to see you, cuddle you, and kiss and hug you on Sunday. You've brought a world of happiness into your Oma's and Oda's lives. Your Oda actually went to a Ralph Loren store on his business trip to the East Coast and called me for your size -- can you believe it? Anyway, please know that we both think of you and talk about you every day. See you on Sunday -- sleep good for your Mommy!
Love, Oma

Anonymous said...

Dearest Eleanor - this is a very cool concept. I just know that I will love being able to see you and read all about the exciting things happening in your life. That is if I can figure this whole "blog" thing out. I am very impressed with your bar hopping abilities - you are definitely a LeMaistre! See you in JUNE - XXXOOOLove your crazy Auntie Donna

Auntie Diane said...

Welcome! What a beautiful little girl you are and a wonderful addition to our family. It's so exciting being able to "watch" you grow through the wonders of the internet - with your help maybe you can bring your old Aunt into the world of blogging!! Give your Mom and Dad a big hug and kiss for me. I can't wait to meet you and hold you in June!!
Hugs and kisses, Auntie Diane

Anonymous said... are absolutely adorable and most precious! Uncle Kev and I were so happy to meet you at The Store and see your parents and how happy they are....your mommy was very excited to have some champaigne and toast to your honor!!! Can't wait to see you again and looking forward to seeing many more pics on here!!! Hope you sleep at night for mommy and daddy! You are so loved by many!

Auntie Heidi