Monday, November 10, 2008


What a great week for America and what a great week for Chicago!
This week we elected a new president and he lives in the same city as me! Mom and Dad got up early last Tuesday to go vote and I got to go with them. I wore my Obama Baby t-shirt! Here we are on our way to the polls.
Later, we gathered with friends to anxiously await the results. Here I am with Mom and our friend Jen in their matching Blue State t-shirts!
Just a few hours later, the results were revealed...a landslide win for Obama! The champagne flowed as we watched our beautiful city become the center of the world.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Wow - I can't believe October has come and gone. What a blur. It was an awful month for us Cubs fans, but other than that it was pretty great. It started off with the celebration of my Aunt Beth's wedding on October 4th. Here I am with Dad getting the last minute details of my flower girl duties...
And here we are outside the church. Isn't my mommy beautiful?
We had some more excitement on October 15th when my new cousin arrived - Zachary David LeMaistre - and he's already a Bears fan!
I celebrated by first Halloween. Here I am at my Aunt Angie and Uncle David's house in a pumpkin costume...
But my real costume was a peacock!
I went trick or treating at the zoo and to a bunch of parties. Here I am with Mommy at my music class Halloween party.
On November 1st Dad and I celebrated Dios De Los Muertos. That means Day of the Dead - which is not as scary as it sounds. Here, Dad and I are modeling our matching Day of the Dead t-shirts.